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Moderator Commands (Updated Sunday October 13)

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Moderator Commands (Updated Sunday October 13) Empty Moderator Commands (Updated Sunday October 13)

Post by JoKeR5o9 Sun Oct 14, 2012 1:15 am

() = required
[] = optional

Moderators inherit all Member/Advertiser/Promoter commands which can be found here:

/manuadd (Player) (Rank) - Promotes a player to a specified rank
/mandemote (Player) (Rank) - Demotes a player to a specific rank
/kick (Player) [reason] - Kicks a specified player from the server
/jails - Lists all jails
/jail (Player) (Jail Name) [Time] - jails a player
/tp (Playername) - Teleports to a player without sending a request
/Tphere [playername] - Teleports a player to you
/tptoggle - Toggles your teleportation status.
/Time [Day/Night] - sets time in the world
/a (Message) - Staff Chat
/ail check (player) - Will find all players alternate accounts.
/ban (Player) [Reason] - Bans player.
/tempban (Player) (Time) - Temporarily bans player depending on specified time.
/invsee - Allows you to view a specified player's inventory.
/socialspy - Toggles social spy on or off.
/spectate (Player) - Spectates the specified player.
/vanish - Makes you invisible.
/v list - Shows you a list of invisible players.
/v fq - Makes you invisible while fake quitting.
/v fj - Makes you visible while fake joining.
/setwarp (Warp Name) - Creates a warp with the given name.
/region define (Region Name) [region owner] - Defines a region with given name and adds owner if owner is specified.
//wand - gives you wand used for world edit and world guard.
/god - Sets your god mode on or off.
/i [item id# or name] - Gives you 64 of the specified item.
/gm - Switches your game mode to survival or creative.

[Core Protect] - Anti Griefing tool
/co help - Display a list of commands in-game.
/co inspect - Enable the inspector. Type the command again to disable it. You can also use just "/co i".
/co rollback u:(user) t:(time) b:[blocks] e:[exclude] r:[radius] - Nearly all of the parameters are optional.

u: - Specify a user to rollback.
Example: u:Notch

t: - Specify the amount of time to rollback
You can specify weeks,days,hours,minutes, and seconds.

Example: t:2w,5d,7h,2m,10s

You can pick and choose time amounts.
Example: t:5d2h

You can also use decimals
Example: t:2.50h (2 and a half hours)

b: - Restrict the rollback to certain block types.
For example, if you wanted to only rollback stone, you would use b:1
You can specify multiple items, such as b:1,5,7

You can find a list of block type IDs at http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Data_values

e: - Exclude certain block types from the rollback.
For example, if you don't want TNT to come back during a rollback, you would type e:46

r: - Specify a radius.
You can use this to only rollback blocks near you.

For example, the following would only rollback damage within 10 blocks of where you are standing: r:10

/co restore u:(user) t:(time) b:[blocks] e:[exclude] r:[radius] - Same parameters as /rollback.

Restoring can be used to undo rollbacks.
Glow Level
Glow Level

Status : Space is weird, i mean just think about it sometime....

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Age : 32
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